Middle Ear Infections
Ear pain is a very common condition in children, especially between the ages of 2 and 6. In children who cannot express themselves, symptoms such as restlessness, fever, and putting their hand on their ear may indicate an ear infection. Children who can express themselves may be able to localize the ear pain. However, other conditions, such as teething or tonsillitis, can also cause ear pain.
Symptoms of middle ear infection:
- Ear pain
- Fever
- Irritability
- Difficulty sleeping
- Tugging or pulling on the ear
- Hearing loss
- Balance problems
- Drainage from the ear
The diagnosis of a middle ear infection can be made with a simple examination. Blood tests are usually not necessary.
In most children, symptoms will improve within a few days without treatment, and the infection will clear up within one to two weeks. In children over the age of two, if the fever is below 39°C, even if both ears are painful, the patient can be relieved with fever reducers and pain relievers for 48 hours and may recover without antibiotic treatment. If the symptoms continue or worsen after this waiting period, you should consult an ENT doctor.
Serous otitis:
After a middle ear infection, it is a physiological event to see fluid accumulation in the ear called serous otitis. It can be observed without treatment for 3 months under the control of an ENT doctor, considering various factors. If it does not improve, surgical treatment may be recommended.